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Maybe you should eat Make-Up, so you can try to be pretty on the inside. Bitch. ♥
Maybe you should eat Make-Up, so you can try to be pretty on the inside. Bitch.  ♥
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Unglaublich was hier verkauft wird!!
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Maybe you should eat Make-Up, so you can try to be pretty on the inside. Bitch. ♥
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10 tolle Sprüche, die man kennen sollte!

Dieser Spruch als Bild!

do girls honestly mean it when they write stuff like "oh you're so prett
do girls honestly mean it when they write stuff like "oh you're so pretty" or do they just want to make eachother feel good, fuckin hypocrits
WeNn Du BiTcH mIcH bItCh NoChEiNmAl BiTcH nEnNsT , dAnN wErDe IcH bItCh
WeNn Du BiTcH mIcH bItCh NoChEiNmAl BiTcH nEnNsT , dAnN wErDe IcH bItCh DiCh BiTcH sO bItChEn DaSs Du BiTcH mIcH bItCh NiE wIeDeR bItCh NeNnSt !!
A: Oh es regnet! ^^ B: Ach ja? Ich höre nicht. o.ô A: Doch, es macht imm
A: Oh es regnet! ^^
B: Ach ja? Ich höre nicht. o.ô
A: Doch, es macht immer wieder "Bitch"Bitch"Bitch" :D
B: --"
i put my makeup on a saturday night i try to make it happen try to make
i put my makeup on a saturday night
i try to make it happen
try to make it al right
i know i make mistakes
I'm living lkiefe day to day
It's never really easy but it's ok
Schätzchen, hört du den Regen? Bitch, Bitch, Bitch ..
Schätzchen, hört du den Regen?
Bitch, Bitch, Bitch ..
a pill to make you numb a pill to make you dumb a pill to make you anybo
a pill to make you numb
a pill to make you dumb
a pill to make you anybody else
but all the drugs in this world won´t save her from herself

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