I've heard there was a secret chord That David played, and it pleased the Lord But you don't really care for music, do you? It goes like this The fourth, the fifth The minor fall, the major lift The baffled king composing Hallelujah Hallelujah, Hallelujah Hallelujah, Hallelujah...
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10 tolle Sprüche, die man kennen sollte!

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- ▂▃▄▅▆ + Turn the music on.. Feel the music.. and LOVE THE MUSIC ♥
- ▂▃▄▅▆ +
Turn the music on..
Feel the music..
I got pleased by Woodsy Owl like Mr. Mackey from Southpark
I got pleased by Woodsy Owl like Mr. Mackey from Southpark
Life is hard and dont better , so Ei doesnt matter , write a Letter to M
Life is hard and dont better , so Ei doesnt matter ,
write a Letter to Mr.Wetter , while listening David Guetter ,
thinking hätter hätter ,
or rather neither Bullshit pleasure
wonn ma wos am oasch vorbei geht donn sog i des oba is ja wuasch mir hea
wonn ma wos am oasch vorbei geht donn sog i des oba is ja wuasch mir heard eh kana zua
Herbert: Du darfst einmal Ja sagen und einmal Nein! David: OK! Herbert:
Herbert: Du darfst einmal Ja sagen und einmal Nein!
David: OK!
Herbert: Aber wenn ich gewinne dann machst du meine Hausaufgaben.
David: H.. zwar wirst du niemals gewinnen, aber OK Herbert machen wir!
Herbert: Alles klar! 1. Frage: Liebst du Justin Bieber!
David: Er ist doch ein Junge.
Herbert: Ist mir egal liebst du ihn oder nicht!
David: NEIN!!!
Herbert: Schwör das du blöd bist und meine Hausa...
Lady Gaga taught me its ok to be different. Ke$ha taught me to be myse
Lady Gaga taught me its ok to be different.
Ke$ha taught me to be myself and not care what anyone else thinks.
Bruno Mars taught me to do anything for that one person I love.
Eminem taught me that life is hard but you can make it through.
Taylor Swift taught me not every guy is going to treat me right.
Michael Jackson taught me to always love the people around me.
Music taught ...

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