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You´re not alone, i wait to the end of time for you. ♥ Open youre mint, youre not alone. ♥
You´re not alone, i wait to the end of time for you.  ♥ Open youre mint, youre not alone.  ♥
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Unglaublich was hier verkauft wird!!
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You´re not alone, i wait to the end of time for you. ♥ Open youre mint, youre not alone. ♥
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10 tolle Sprüche, die man kennen sollte!

Dieser Spruch als Bild!

-"I feel attracted to somebody." -"Thanks, youre pretty great too." -"It
-"I feel attracted to somebody."
-"Thanks, youre pretty great too."
-"It's Amy"
-"I dont think that youre her type."
-"She hates cock."
..Bad Teacher..=)
When I see your face there's not a thing that I would Change, cause your
When I see your face there's not a thing that I would Change, cause youre amzing just the way You are ♥
If you think fuck is funny, fuck youre self and save your money ;-)
If you think fuck is funny, fuck youre self and save your money ;-)
i wish i could stick all the wonderfull best moments in a glass and when
i wish i could stick all the wonderfull best moments in a glass and when i want to, i can open it and go back in time :)
wait for the boy who do anything, to be you everthing :)
wait for the boy who do anything, to be you everthing :)
i like to daydream, because for a couple of minutes i have the life i wi
i like to daydream, because for a couple of minutes i have the life i wish i had. but then i open my eyes to reality.

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