:@ when the teacher come to the class room and read for us the chemistry i want to shot her faceee with a gun and threw her buddy from the window ;)
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Teacher: Eric were is your homework?? Eric: Written in the ---- Teacher:
Teacher: Eric were is your homework??
Eric: Written in the ----
Teacher: Shut up! Idiot! That joke is getting boring 
the milion times before!!!!!!
CLASS: (C)ome (L)ate (A)nd (S)start (S)leeping XD
I smeet you down the stars in the keller room that you will never see th
I smeet you down the stars in the keller room that you will never see the tages licht again
Sometimes I do not understand my friends. I wish I could read the though
Sometimes I do not understand my friends.
I wish I could read the thoughts, if they have something, they do not say anything. Talk with me, please.
Say what you were thinking. I am right beside you.
I want to help you. :)
Ich guck soviel Grey´s Anatomy, Dr. House und früher Emergency Room...mi
Ich guck soviel Grey´s Anatomy, Dr. House und früher Emergency Room...mittlerweile kann ich schon selbst operieren.
Wir waren im film ''Bad Teacher'' Da war diese Squirrel die mir überhaup
Wir waren im film ''Bad Teacher''
Da war diese Squirrel die mir überhaupt nicht ging und ich im Saal gesagt: Fick dich in die Fresse!! und die Reihen hinter mir haben so gelacht xDD

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