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When I see your face, there's not a thing that I would change, 'cause you're amazing, just the way
When I see your face,
there's not a thing that I would change,
'cause you're amazing,
just the way you are.
And when you smile,
the whole world stops and stands for a while,
'cause you're amazing,
just the way you are!
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Unglaublich was hier verkauft wird!!
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When I see your face, there's not a thing that I would change, 'cause you're amazing, just the way you are. And when you smile, the whole world stops and stands for a while, 'cause you're amazing, just the way you are! ♡~*~♡~*~♡~*~♡~*~♡~*~♡~*~♡~*~♡
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Dieser Spruch als Bild!

When I see your face there's not a thing that I would Change, cause your
When I see your face there's not a thing that I would Change, cause youre amzing just the way You are ♥
♫ Isn´t it amazing how music can change our mood...?? ♫ ♫
♫ Isn´t it amazing how music can change our mood...??  ♫ ♫
when i see your face, there's not a thing that i would cnahge.♥
when i see your face, there's not a thing that i would cnahge.♥
It's a hard thing faking a smile when I feel like I'm falling apart insi
It's a hard thing faking a smile when I feel like I'm falling apart inside 
Oh her eyes, her eyes Make the stars look like they're not shining Her h
Oh her eyes, her eyes
Make the stars look like they're not shining
Her hair, her hair
is stinky with all her trying
She's so awful
And I tell her every day
Yeah I know, I know
When I compliment her
She wont believe me
And its so, its so
Sad to think that she don't see what I see
But every time she asks me do I look okay
I say
When I see your face
my middle finger starts to raise
Cause ...
'Cause you're amazing. just the way you are !! ♥
'Cause you're amazing. just the way you are !! ♥

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