What comes from the heart goes to the heart. (Samuel Taylor Coleridge)
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10 tolle Sprüche, die man kennen sollte!

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I have seen great intolerance shown in support of tolerance. (Samuel Tay
I have seen great intolerance shown in support of tolerance. (Samuel Taylor Coleridge)
Never touch a heart, if you're not able to protect! Never confuse love w
Never touch a heart, if you're not able to protect! Never confuse love with passion ... You could hurt your heart so much that it can never love again!
Geht irgend a typ an an hotel vorbei heart a ja ja ja ja merkt er sie da
Geht irgend a typ an an hotel vorbei heart a ja ja ja ja merkt er sie danoch ged er an a metzgerei vorbei heart a immer mit dem messer merkt er sie a als nächstes geht er an an fuasboistadion vorbei  heart a ole ole ole ole ole merkt a sie a als nächstes trifft a an polizist frog da polizist haben sie die frau im 3. stock ermordet antwortet der typ:ja ja ja ja. und wie. immer mit dem messer. si...
Who needs eyes to see? If you have a heart to feel ♥
Who needs eyes to see?
If you have a heart to feel ♥
It was my heart, it was my life, it was my start, it was your knife. ♥
It was my heart, it was my life, it was my start, it was your knife. ♥
"He loves me with ALL his heart & soul" "But most with his dick"
"He loves me with ALL his heart & soul" "But most with his dick"

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