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Three guys are in a cafe The first guy says "I have the smallest arm? in the world" The second guy
Three guys are in a cafe
The first guy says "I have the smallest arm? in the world"
The second guy says "I have the smallest head in the world"
The third guy says? "I have the smallest dick in the world"
The three guys go to The Guinness Book of World Records
The first guy walks out and says "I really do have the smallest arm in the world"
The second guy walks out and says? "I do have the smallest...
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Three guys are in a cafe The first guy says "I have the smallest arm? in the world" The second guy says "I have the smallest head in the world" The third guy says? "I have the smallest dick in the world" The three guys go to The Guinness Book of World Records The first guy walks out and says "I really do have the smallest arm in the world" The second guy walks out and says? "I do have the smallest head in the world" The third guy walks out and angrily says "WHO THE FUCK IS JUSTIN BIEBER?"
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Dieser Spruch als Bild!

3 guys are in a cafe one says: ive got the smallest arm of the world
3 guys are in a cafe
one says: ive got the smallest arm of the world!
another says: ive got the smallest head of the world!
last one says: ive got the smallest dick of the world!
the 3 guys go to Guinness World Records.
first one goes first and returns happy: ive really got the smallest arm in the world!
second returns happy too: ive really got the smallest head of the world!
last one re...
Want you to make me feeL liike I'm the o0nLy giirL iin the worLd, . . .
Want you to make me feeL liike I'm the o0nLy giirL iin the worLd, . . .
Like I'm the o0nly 0one that you'Ll ever Lo0ve, . .
Like I'm the 0only one wh0o knows your heart . .
Only giirL iin the worLd... ♥
3 Jungs wollen sich beim Guinnes World Records anmelden. Der eine denkt
3 Jungs wollen sich beim Guinnes World Records anmelden. Der eine denkt er hat den kleinsten Arm der Welt. Der andere denkt hat den kleinsten Zeigefinger der Welt. Der andere denkt er hat den kleinsten Schwanz der Welt. Der mit dem kleinsten Arm kommt als erstes raus. Er ist im GWR- Buch. Der mit dem kleinsten Zeigefinger auch. Aber der mit dem kleinsten Schwanz kommt traurig wieder raus und ru...
I wish I was your world... but Im only a little dot on your map...
I wish I was your world... but Im only a little dot on your map...
8 billion people in the world, but i only want YOU
8 billion people in the world, but i only want YOU
If you could see how my World is tumbling down. Oh how it hurts when you
If you could see how my World is tumbling down.
Oh how it hurts when you're not around.

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