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On the first page of our story the future seemed so bright .♥
On the first page of our story the future seemed so bright .♥
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On the first page of our story the future seemed so bright .♥
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10 tolle Sprüche, die man kennen sollte!

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On the first page of our story , the future seemed so bright . Then this
On the first page of our story , the future seemed so bright . Then this thing turned out so evil , I don't know why , I'm still surprised . Even angels have theier wicked schemes , and you take that to new extremes . But you'll always be my HERO , even though you've lost your mind .
I stupidly touch your Facebook, you’re smiling I’m just dragging to the
I stupidly touch your Facebook, you’re smiling
I’m just dragging to the next page, I’m crying
Let you come near, if I take you out, I’m a missing child
Even if I stand a the edge of a cliff, it’s still only you)
"Don't care about the people in the past! There is a reason why they did
"Don't care about the people in the past! There is a reason why they didn't get into your future..."
Don't cry over the past, it's gone. Don't stress about the future, it ha
Don't cry over the past, it's gone.
Don't stress about the future, it hasn't arrived.
Live in the present and make it beautiful. ♥
Für jedes Mädchen gibt´s irgendwann mal die richtige Cinderella-Story!!
Für jedes Mädchen gibt´s irgendwann mal die richtige  Cinderella-Story!!! ♥
Sorry, kein Bock auf deine Story. Geh zu ´ner Parkuhr, kost' 2 Mark nur.
Sorry, kein Bock auf deine Story. Geh zu ´ner Parkuhr, kost' 2 Mark nur.

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